Unhas Sosialisasi Peraturan Baru Pelanggaran Kode Etik Mahasiswa


The Hasanuddin University (Unhas) Academic and Student Affairs Division held a socialization of the latest regulations regarding violations of the student code of ethics, Wednesday 17 May 2023 in the Prof. Hall. Latanro, Tamalanrea Campus.

This new regulation regarding the student code of ethics is contained in the Chancellor’s Regulation of Hasanuddin University Number 17/UN4.1/2023 concerning Procedures for Imposing Sanctions for Violations of the Hasanuddin University Student Code of Conduct. This regulation replaces Unhas Rector Regulation Number 16890/UN4/KP.49/2012 concerning the Unhas Student Code of Ethics.

This activity was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Unhas Prof. drg Muhammad Ruslin MKes PhD SpBM(K), and Head of Sub Directorate of Student Affairs Unhas Muhammad Irdam Ferdiansah SE MAcc PhD Ak CA.

This regulation which was stipulated on May 2, 2023 was socialized to faculty officials, faculty disciplinary commissions, and student organizations within Unhas who were represented by institutional administrators.

In his presentation, Prof. Ruslin explained that the purpose of presenting this new regulation was none other than as a reference and guideline in coaching students to make it clearer and more transparent.

“With this regulation, the rules are clearer and in the end students also have guidelines in their academic and institutional activities. So, if there are problems, there are references and guidelines for carrying out punishment and to avoid the assumption of selective logging,” explained Prof. Ruslin.

Furthermore, Prof. Ruslin explained that the rules on procedures for imposing sanctions on violations of the student code of ethics are an effort by the university to continue to organize campus life in order to create a safe atmosphere which ultimately produces more competitive human resources.

“Indeed there must be regulations, if there are deficiencies (in regulations) we will continue to organize in the future, so that what is in Unhas is getting better and providing greater benefits,” he added.

On this occasion, Prof. Ruslin also said that Unhas would prepare a complaint hotline to accommodate reports of problems that occurred on campus.

After directions from Prof. Ruslin, the activity continued with reading and discussing the contents of the new regulations delivered by the outreach team, Dr Andi Bau Inggit SH MH, Fajlurrahman Jurdi SH MH, and Dr Andi Syahwiah A Sapiddin SH MH. The activity was then continued with a discussion and question and answer session with the socialization participants.(*)

Editor: Ahmad

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