Hasanuddin University (Unhas) students have again made proud achievements at the national level. Three students from the Faculty of Nursing Unhas won first place in the 2023 Indonesia Nursing Olympiad (INO) at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya on 12-14 May 2023.
The Unhas representative won two winners at once, namely Andi Fitria Idham won first place in the Student Achievement Competition category, Muh. Gunawan and Ade Putrawan in the Essay Competition category.
The Indonesian Nursing Olympiad is a competition for Bachelor of Nursing students from all over Indonesia. The biggest national competition in the field of nursing is the ILMIKI (Indonesian Nursing Student Association) routine program which is held every two years, and on this occasion it coincided with the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya. There are 3 branches of competition at this year’s INO, namely the National Nursing Achievement Student Competition, Essay Competition, and Public Poster Competition.
Andi Fitria Idham explained about the stages of the competition for the Outstanding Student category. Previously, this class of 2020 student took part in the preliminary round online. Then for the final round it was held offline at the host campus, namely the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya.
“The preliminary round consists of selection of superior achievement files, creative idea scripts, and video presentations in English. Then announced 6 people who are finalists. After that, it was followed by the final round which consisted of making and presenting posters of Self Description (DD) and Creative Ideas (GK). Then the winner is determined from the accumulated scores of the preliminary and final rounds, “explained Fitria.
In order to get maximum performance, Fitria admitted that she had prepared herself several months ago, by drafting creative ideas, preparing a portfolio of excellent achievements, and making video presentations in English. The 2nd winner of Unhas 2023 Outstanding Student also routinely conducts mentoring with accompanying lecturers.
Not in vain, Fitria won the Outstanding Student category and defeated delegates from well-known campuses such as the University of Indonesia.
Furthermore, Fitria explained that she and her two colleagues had experienced funding problems because they had to take part in competitions offline. However, Fitria and friends received full support from the Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Preparation as well as support from the faculty.
“In this event I received an award in the form of a certificate, trophy and coaching money of IDR 2 million,” said Fitria.
The Unhas delegate for the Essay Competition category, Ade Putrawan, explained that the stages of the competition that were followed consisted of submitting essays for the preliminary round and presentations in the final session. The assessment carried out in this competition was 60 percent based on the final presentation assessment and 40 percent based on the proposed idea/essay.
Meanwhile, Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Nursing Unhas, Syahrul Said, SKep Ns M.Kes PhD said that sending student delegations to take part in national level competitions was part of a program to develop student interests and talents.
“We are grateful that the work of our students has received appreciation as the first winner in this prestigious competition. It is hoped that this will further strengthen student motivation in developing their interests and talents,” said Syahrul.(*)
Editor: Ahmed